Sunday, May 22, 2011


It is no secret that Macy enjoys her outside time: 

She loves to explore our yard and is always excited to have the opportunity to go out the back door.

But the big surprise is how much she likes going out the front door, which is the gateway not to playing in the yard, but to a walk.

You might think, as I once did, that walking on lead may not be something that Macy would enjoy. I thought that a defined space would be easier for her as she could learn and remember the placement of everything.

On a walk, the world is always different. And, as it turns out, Macy loves it!

Macy is not a dawdler. She puts her nose to the ground and marches right along. Everything is of interest to her, and she cannot wait to explore what is next. Macy does not see obstacles, she just senses fun.

It is hard to get great photos of Macy on a walk as she is such a mover, but I can say that she is cute as ever!

1 comment:

  1. I had a blonde Cocker named Molly (AKC name Golden Molly Sunshine)that developed severe glaucoma around age 9. She had developed an autoimmune disease at around age 5 that required she take imuran and prednisone on alternating days but I don't know if that in any way contributed to her glaucoma. Regardless, the result was that at the veterinary ophthalmologist's recommendation her eyes were removed. I thought I would have to lead her everywhere. I was amazed that it made no difference to her normal routine. She obviously used other senses to compensate. Even more amazing was that a couple of years after the surgery we moved to a new house and she figured out where the door to the back yard was within a very short time. Sadly, her other health issues overcame her and she had to be put down at only eleven and a half years. What I am saying in this roundabout way is don't fear adopting a blind dog. They will surprise you with their adaptability.
