Monday, March 21, 2011

On the Move

I am an admitted newcomer to caring for a dog without sight, and I now realize that I thought Macy might not be all that active, given that she cannot see what is in front of her.

As it turns out, I was not correct. Macy has a lovely amount of energy, just what I would expect in a dog of seven years. She is definitely not full of puppy energy (which means she leaves my shoes, satchel, and anything else on the floor alone!), but she is just as interested in the world as her foster siblings of around the same age.

Something catches her attention:

She moves to inquire what it may be:

Nose to the ground: 



  1. I found your blog via a link from the OBG status on Facebook, and really enjoyed reading all of your posts. 'Looking forward to many more.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for the wonderful stories about our Macy Girl. I pulled she & Bryson from the shelter here in Georgia & we all really love that sweet girl & are happy to hear what a great time she is enjoying with you. Thank you so much!!!
